Archaeology Field School - Late Bronze Age Fortified Settlement of Outeiro do Circo (Beja, Portugal)
Location: Beja, Portugal
Session 1: 1 to 12 August 2016
Session 2: 16 to 26 August 2016
Program Type
Field school
Palimpsesto, Inc. / Beja Municipality
Project Directors:
Dr. Miguel Serra (Palimpsesto) and Dr. Eduardo Porfírio (Palimpsesto)
Project Description
The Outeiro do Circo is a large fortified settlement from the Late Bronze Age (1250-850 BC) located in the district of Beja in the Alentejo plain. It occupies an elongated hill, with a maximum height of 276 m, bounded on the north and west by other small elevations. The southern border is dominated by the plain. Surrounding terrains are made up of a fertile agricultural soils called "Black Clays", where numerous archaeological sites, dating from the II and the beginning of I millennium BC, where discovered. The element that gives greater emphasis to this settlement is an impressive wall that borders it almost entirely, setting an occupied area of about 17 hectares and making it one of the largest settlements of this period in the Iberian Peninsula. The wall reveals a complex defensive system, with double walls, bastions and moats. The excavation works took place between 2008 and 2013 and led to the discovery of a wall section consisting of a top small wall, a system of ramps and platforms and an exterior retaining wall built on a disused ditch. Currently the archaeological work it`s being developed in the inside area of the settlement in order to achieve a better knowledge of the daily life aspects of the Outeiro do Circo`s inhabitants.
Period(s) of Occupation: Late Bronze Age
Project size:
1-10 participants
Minimum Length of Stay for Volunteers: 2 weeks
Minimum age:
Experience required:
Room and Board Arrangement
Accommodation will at the Beja Municipality apartments located near the town center at a 15 minute-drive from the site. Participants will share rooms divided by gender with two beds (no more than 2 students per room). Participants have to bring sleeping bags The apartments have a well-equipped meal room (microwave, refrigerator,…) where breakfast may take place. Lunch and dinner meals are included and will take place at a local restaurant.
No costs
Academic Credit
No credits available
Contact Information
- Miguel Serra (Palimpsesto):
Recommended Bibliography: