segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013

Congresso de Estudos Cerâmicos em Granada

O Projeto Outeiro do Circo estará presente no II Congresso Internacional sobre Estudos Cerâmicos subordinado ao tema "Etnoarqueologia e Experimentação: para além da analogia" a celebrar na Universidade de Granada (Espanha) entre 5 e 9 de Março

Aqui fica o resumo da comunicação a apresentar no dia 7 de Março:

Pottery inside out: Exploring the “chaine operatoire” of production through analysis, ethnography and experimental archaeology

“Chaine operatoire”; experimental archaeology; Late Bronze Age; pattern burnished pottery; modelling; firing; use

Ana Bica Osório, Project Outeiro do Circo; CEMUC and CEAUCP/CAM; PhD student funded by FCT (SFRH / BD / 42397 / 2007).
Sofia Silva and Diana Fernandes, Project Outeiro do Circo.
Eduardo Porfírio and Miguel Serra, Project Outeiro do Circo; Palimpsesto Lda; CEAUCP/CAM;.
Raquel Vilaça, Project Outeiro do Circo. Department of History, Archaeology and Arts, University of Coimbra; CEAUCP/CAM.
Teresa Vieira, CEMUC, University of Coimbra.

In pottery studies the analysis of shape and style frequently lead to the creation of typological series and to the identification of chronological-cultural differences and similarities (some equated with different human groups, others with temporal change, etc.). However, the final shape and style are not the only evidences of human interaction left on these objects. The gestures and practices made during production and use also leave marks which can reflect cultural diversities, encompassing traditional know-hows and “habitus” that may be specific of particular communities. If we consider that material culture has an active role over the cultures and societies, it is clear that this active role of engaging mankind has to be searched for at various levels. One level of engagement is clearly technical activity or production.
One of the most useful methodological concepts to address technical processes is that of “chaine operatoire”. It clearly directs us to search for the main stages of practice involved in any technical activity and search for their evidences and connections. However, despite all the ethnographic and theoretical modelling that one may try, the interpretation of the data present in archaeological sherds is not as straightforward as desired. While some “operations” or practices leave well identified traces on pottery, others are erased; some can have several explanations and others can be transformed by latter “chaines operatoires” such as those of its use/reuse.
In this presentation the authors address a specific type of Late Bronze Age/ Early Iron Age decorated pottery from the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula (pattern burnished pottery) and research their production “chaines operatoires”. The analysis of specific characteristics such as fabric, colour, fracture and burnishing effects, raised many doubts and questions. In order to enlighten some of the questions posed by the materials several experiments were planned for the stages of clay shaping, firing and test-use. Although simple, the results of such experiments are still a work in progress but already provide interesting clues to question the interpretation of pottery evidences and to emphasise the necessary link between pottery studies and experimental archaeology.
Session 3 – Tipologías? Nuevas metodologías aplicadas en los estudios ceramológicos”

sexta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2013

Trabalhos académicos

Damos destaque a mais um trabalho académico, desta feita da autoria de Patrícia Flores da Universidade de Évora.
É dedicado ao sítio de Arroteia 6 e baseia-se no artigo "Arroteia 6 (Mombeja, Beja) no contexto da Idade do Bronze do Sudoeste Peninsular", recentemente publicado nas Atas do V Encontro de Arqueologia do Sudoeste Peninsular.
Este trabalho insere-se numa estratégia de colaboração do Projeto Outeiro do Circo com alunos do ensino superior para uma maior divulgação dos resultados deste projeto bem como o de outros trabalhos que de alguma modo lhe estejam associados, como no presente caso, uma vez que se tratou de uma intervenção arqueológica em contexto de obra realizada pela empresa Palimpsesto.
Manteremos a nossa disponibilidade para futuras colaborações a quem o solicitar através da partilha de informações.